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International aeronautics stakeholders
– Congresses

ICAS – International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

ICAS is an international, non-government, non-profit scientific organisation with the mission to advance knowledge and facilitate collaboration in aeronautics. ICAS is the only international support organisation to representative aeronautical engineering professional societies and their members in 30 countries.

ICAS organises every two years an international congress covering all aspects of aeronautical science and technology and their application to both military and civil aviation. Via the ICAS website and secretariat, technical papers from all ICAS congresses since 1958 are freely available.

  • ICAS 2016 was held in Daejeon, Korea.
  • ICAS 2018 was held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  • ICAS 2020 will be held in Shanghai, China.

At the ICAS 2018 in Brazil the decision was taken that ICAS 2022 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, hosted by FTF – The Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronatics. Sweden has previously arranged two ICAS congresses in 1962 and 1990.

CEAS – Council of European Aerospace Societies

The Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) Air and Space Conference is the leading European Conference within aerospace. The conference is biannual and is organized in odd years.

ISABE – The International Society of Air-breathing Engines

The International Society of Airbreathing Engines (ISABE) is an organisation that was formed to further the free exchange, on an international level, of knowledge in the field of airbreathing propulsion for flight vehicles. ISABE has national representatives from more than 25 nations (from Sweden GKN Aerospace Engine Systems). The society produces a major conference every two years with invited lectures, contributed technical paper sessions, pre-arranged sessions, special forums and social events for informal discussions, networking and relaxation.

  • ISABE 2017 was held in Manchester, UK.
  • ISABE 2019 conference will be held in Canberra, Australia 22-27 September 2019.