Download the agenda here (English PDF)
or here (Swedish PDF).
NRIA Flyg 2016 is the third incarnation (after NRA Flyg 2010 and NRIA Flyg 2013) of the Swedish aeronautics research-and-innovation agenda for the period up to 2050.
The agenda, like its predecessors, gathers the stakeholders in aeronautical innovation and analyses the possibilities and prerequisites for effective and efficient innovation. The overall ambition is to enable aeronautical innovation and development in the civil transport sector as well as the defence sector, as well as to understand, describe and develop the innovation system, specifically for aeronautics and generally for Sweden as a whole. The agenda’s recommendations are set to create the conditions for good innovation, to the benefit of all stakeholders regardless of any special interests.
Recommendations in short
- We propose: that Vinnova and the Swedish Armed Forces are mandated to fund the 7th iteration of NFFP, for the years 2017–2021, at – at least – the same level as NFFP6, and with an equal proportion of co-funding from business and industry.
- We propose: that Vinnova, preferably jointly with the Swedish armed Forces, is mandated to fund an international aeronautics research programme (IFFP) at TRL 2–4 in order to support bilateral partnerships with prioritised nations.
- We propose: a reinforced and steadfast continuation of the current SWE Demo programme in the form of a series of successively adapted programmes in order to position Swedish industry in international demonstrator programmes.
- We propose: that the Swedish Research Council is mandated to fund a strategic research programme (SFP) for aeronautics at TRL 1–2 with SEK 30 million per year for five years to safeguard the fundamental base in our innovation system.
- We propose: the establishment of an interdepartmental work group for aeronautics made up of responsible officials from the Ministries concerned.
- We propose: the establishment of a joint technology council for strategic innovation programmes naturally predisposed to work together.
- We propose: that the regions, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and participating companies ally to create an SME cluster for all aeronautics and aviation companies in the country.
Read more in the agenda here (English PDF) or here (Swedish PDF).
An aggregated list of NRIA Flyg objectives, governing the work of Innovair, can be found here.