Download the agenda here (English PDF) or here (Swedish PDF).
NRIA Flyg 2020 is the fourth joint national strategic research and innovation agenda for Swedish aerospace innovation players. Previous agendas were published in 2010, 2013 and 2016.
This year’s agenda is primarily focused on the mid-term evaluation of the program that takes place in 2020 after six years of funding as one of 17 strategic innovation programs. In 2020, a new research proposal is also expected.
Therefore, in this year’s agenda, we choose to systematically describe the activities carried out by Innovair and the results achieved for the various players in our innovation system. We also describe which prioritised activities should be in focus for all players, including official authorities.
The description makes it clear that we are facing challenges, unsolved old ones as well as new ones. Given the rapid development in the outside world and how quickly our area of innovation matures and is strengthened, there is much that needs to be done in order to continue to develop the conditions for Swedish aeronautical innovation – and the associated benefits – so that the area can be as competitive as possible in the international context. The identified challenges therefore give us the necessary input for the development of our forward strategy.
Read more in the agenda here (English PDF) or here (Swedish PDF).