National aeronautics stakeholders
Within Innovair, we have created two production arenas, to meet our own recommendation NRIA Flyg 2013 about creating and supporting arenas, in which SMEs, in collaboration with major companies, can build up centralised skills, which means that they are considered by default when these skills are then sought.
The arenas provide support and resources for SMEs so that they can establish contact with the aerospace industry, understand the industry’s needs, and participate in the industry’s R&D programmes. The arenas also meet the need for resources to develop and verify interesting (identified) technologies for the aerospace industry at the right level of readiness.
The arenas operate with support from a larger network structure made up of a combination of institutes, academia, and large companies. Also Sweden’s regions will contribute crucial support. The goal is that these arenas are developed into global players, where, even on an international level, they are regularly sought out as a natural option.
Compraser Labs
Compraser Labs is a national centre for research and development of production processes and systems for composite-based products. The network is run by Swerea SICOMP and Swerea IVF as a membership programme.
All businesses and organizations that have an interest in composite manufacturing have the opportunity to apply for membership. Members must be operational in Sweden and have a Swedish company registration number.
Members have access to a comprehensive development resource where national synergies are utilized and maximized by:
- Focusing on the businesses’ need of development
- Creating and implementing projects with shared and public financing
- Specialization and expertise within the composite manufacturing area
- Cross industry platform
- Business intelligence and information on international development trends
- Competence development by attending courses and seminars
The objectives of the membership programme:
- Reduce production costs
- Reduce industrialization costs
- Increase the process stability and capability
- Reduce the environmental impact
- Create a good working Environment
Produktionstekniskt Centrum (PTC)
PTC is a collaborative arena supporting the development of production at manufacturing companies. Focus on skills development, knowledge of new technology and knowledge of methods and best practices provide the conditions for enhanced competitiveness. Our collaboration platform enables exchange of experience and shared learning for a faster development.
Here companies meet technicians and engineers with college students and researchers. And there are excellence skills as well as resources for world-wide monitoring and skills development.
Production technology and automation are our strengths, but in PTC and with our network of contacts, we support production development in many areas.
We have a well-developed development workshop where your parties locate equipment. In common use, we can have a larger machine park together than separately.
The PTC is open to all companies and organizations. As a partner in the business, you have the greatest opportunity to influence the development and take advantage of the skills and resources available here.
The PTC collaborative arena is run by the main partners Innovatum, University West, GKN Aerospace and Swerea IVF.
“Border crossers”
Part of the arena construction should consist of so-called “Border Crossers”, who may be research leaders from institutes, academia, or large companies that involve SMEs in research or demonstrator programmes via senior researchers, doctoral students in industry and at universities, those working on dissertations or student projects. SMEs therefore have the opportunity to get involved through their own staff and these “Border Crossers” in order to acquire new technologies or verify their own technologies, at the same time as strengthening their recruitment processes. In this respect, institutes play an important role as mentors as SMEs attempt to become more competitive and increase their growth.