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Saab Aeronautics

Swedish Open Innovation Learning Week June 2015

By Saab Aeronautics, Innovair

Swedish Open Innovation Learning Week was held June 7-12 2015 with the goal to promote and develop technical cooperation between Sweden and Brazil.
The participants visited and had lectures and exchange in three Swedish cities Stockholm, Linköping and Göteborg.
The event was organized by CISB – The Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Centre
A summary from the week is found in the attached document: Swedish Open Innovation Learning Week June 2015

Inbjudan till demonstrationsdag 2 sept. inom GF-Demo programmet

By Saab Aeronautics, Arenor/SMF

Saab inbjuder till  en demonstrationsdag den 2 september 2015 i Laxå avseende Saabs projekt inom GF-Demo programmet (Grön Flygteknisk Demonstration). Utvalda produktionstekniska tillämpningar av robotiserad håltagning och NDI-kontroll av lättviktsstruktur i komposit kommer att presenteras och fysiskt demonstreras.
Mera information i bifogad inbjudan: GF-Demo Inbjudan_2 sept
OBS – anmälan om deltagande senast 25:e augusti.

ICAS VON KARMAN AWARD till demonstratorprojekt nEUROn

By Saab Aeronautics

Vid ICAS-kongressen i St Petersburg 7-12 september 2014 utdelades ICAS von Karman Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics till det Europeiska demonstratorprojektet nEUROn, där Sverige deltar genom Saab.
Projektet presenterades på ICAS 2014 i en General Lecture: ICAS 2014 General Lecture_nEUROn

Citation: The nEUROn is the first large size stealth platform designed in Europe which will perform demonstration flights to validate the insertion in test range airspace, air-to-ground mission, detection, localization and autonomous reconnaissance of ground targets and air-to-surface weapon release from an internal bay. (läs mera om nEUROn under rubriken Demonstratorer)

ICAS von Karman Award: Its purpose is to acknowledge exceptional achievement in international cooperation in the field of aeronautics, being awarded to a project or programme in which two or more countries are major participants and which is characterized by substantial technical achievement, scientific or technological advance or benefit to society.