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Clean Sky Event in Brussels 9-10 April 2019

By Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

The Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking is pleased to announce an event to present its promising first results and discuss future steps. ‘Clean Sky 2 Public-Private Partnership – European aeronautics research at its best: What next in Horizon Europe?’ taking place on 9-10 April 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.

The first day will feature speakers from the European aeronautics industry, the European Parliament and European Commission, as well as research centres and academia, while the second day will take a closer look at the achievements of Clean Sky 2 so far.

The event will take place at The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

Participation is free but registration is mandatory. Registration for this event will open early February 2019.

Clean Sky – 9th Call for Proposals

By Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

The 9th Call for Proposals (CfP09) was launched on 6 November 2018 via the European Commission’s H2020 Participant Portal.

CfP09 has a budget of €69.1 million for 55 topics including 4 thematic topics.
The closing date is 6 February 2019.

Registration is now open for two Info Days dedicated to CfP09 in Ankara on 15 November and Bordeaux on 20 November.

Latest E-News from Clean Sky on this LINK

Brasiliansk medalj till Mats Olofsson, Innovair

By Saab Aeronautics, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Vid en ceremoni på Brasilianska ambassaden i Stockholm på tisdagen 23 oktober, 2018 i samband med firandet av Brasilian Air Force Day, erhöll Mats Olofsson en mycket fin utmärkelse i form av Merito Aeronautico, vilket är den brasilianska flygvapenchefens förtjänstmedalj.

Medaljen överlämnades av ambassadör Marcus Pinta Gama, som ett tack för de insatser Mats, i sin roll som Innovairs koordinator för FoU-samarbetet med Brasilien, gjort sedan 2014. Bilderna visar medaljen samt den stolte mottagaren.