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ICAS VON KARMAN AWARD till demonstratorprojekt nEUROn

By Saab Aeronautics

Vid ICAS-kongressen i St Petersburg 7-12 september 2014 utdelades ICAS von Karman Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics till det Europeiska demonstratorprojektet nEUROn, där Sverige deltar genom Saab.
Projektet presenterades på ICAS 2014 i en General Lecture: ICAS 2014 General Lecture_nEUROn

Citation: The nEUROn is the first large size stealth platform designed in Europe which will perform demonstration flights to validate the insertion in test range airspace, air-to-ground mission, detection, localization and autonomous reconnaissance of ground targets and air-to-surface weapon release from an internal bay. (läs mera om nEUROn under rubriken Demonstratorer)

ICAS von Karman Award: Its purpose is to acknowledge exceptional achievement in international cooperation in the field of aeronautics, being awarded to a project or programme in which two or more countries are major participants and which is characterized by substantial technical achievement, scientific or technological advance or benefit to society.

GKN Aerospace risk sharing agreement with Pratt & Whitney for the PurePower® PW1900G engine programme

By GKN Aerospace

GKN Aerospace has agreed a major risk and revenue sharing partnership (RRSP) with the Pratt & Whitney division of United Technologies Corporation covering the supply of key components for the PurePower PW1900 Geared Turbofan™ (GTF) engine – which will power the Embraer 190 and the 195-E2 narrow body, medium range aircraft.

Se pressrelease här: GKN Aerospace press release 2014-09-16