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ACS Årskonferens 10 mars, 10.00 – 14.00

By Multi use, Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Ta chansen att lyssna in på detta event, förhoppningsvis hittar ni några guldkorn i föredragen eller hos något av de företag från ACS som kort kommer pitcha och berätta vad de sysslar med, letar efter och kan erbjuda.

Företagen som är medlemmar i ACS är vana vid högt ställda krav på spårbarhet, kvalitet samtidigt som flyg- och rymdbranschen är under stor omställning.

Konferensen innehåller två presentationer med inriktning flyg respektive rymd samt ett föredrag om Cyber Security vilket berör oss alla oavsett bransch.

Anmälan via ACS hemsida:

Agendan för dagen ser ut så här:

10:00 Välkommen och intro 

10:10  Sustainable Air Transport
Björn Fehrm, Aeronautical and Economic Analyst på Leeham News and Analysis

10:30 Pitch-time!
Företag från Aerospace Cluster Sweden berättar vad de sysslar med, vad de kan erbjuda och vilka resurser de letar efter just nu

11:15 Vad händer i Aerospace Cluster Sweden?
Göran, Olle och Leif berättar om vad som händer i ACS nu och framåt.

11:30 Vad innebär cybersäkerhet och hur påverkar det mig?
Sofia Lundqvist, Projektledare Cyber Security på Linköpings Science Park

12:00  Lunch med lunchunderhållning 💃 60min

13:00  Pitch-time!
Företag från Aerospace Cluster Sweden berättar vad de sysslar med, vad de kan erbjuda och vilka resurser de letar efter just nu

13:20 Isar Aerospace 
Josef Fleischmann från Isar Aerospace berättar om företagets resa

13:40 Avslutning 


SMF Flyg – Utlysning våren 2021 – CFP Spring 2021

By Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Denna SMF-satsning via arenorna för flygproduktion, sker inom ramen för Innovair och det Nationella flygforskningsprogrammet (NFFP) och riktar sig till små och medelstora företag (SMF) verksamma inom tillverkningsteknik kopplat till komposit- samt metalliska material.

  • Sista ansökningsdag: 16 april 2021
  • Hela utlysningstexten kan laddas ner här.
  • Ansökningsblankett kan laddas ner här. 

Projektansökningarna skickas till

Martin Schöllin, Compraser Labs/RISE,
Mats Werke, PTC/RISE,

———————————–Announcement in English———————————-

This SME Call for proposals is made within the framework of Innovair and the National Aeronautical Research Program (NFFP).
It is administered through the production arenas for aeronautics – Compraser Labs and PTC Innovatum –
and is aimed at SMEs active in manufacturing technology for composite and metallic materials.

  • The entire announcement text (in Swedish !) can be downloaded here.
  • Closing date is 16th of April 2021.

Contact persons:
Martin Schöllin, Compraser Labs/RISE,
Mats Werke, PTC/RISE,


Trafikverkets luftfartsportfölj – Forskning och innovationsdag 31 mars

By Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Få information om framtiden inom luftfartsområdet och svenska forskningssatsningar. Lyssna på vilka effekter Trafikverket, Luftfartsverket och Swedavia vill uppnå med luftfartsforskningen. Hör några forskare, i projekt vi finansierar, som berättar om sin forskning och presenterar forskningsresultat. Du får också information kring hur ansökningsprocessen går till och hur vi tillsammans kan jobba för att nå våra forskningsmål.

Onsdagen den 31:e mars kl. 09.00–12.00 via Skype


09.00 Välkomna till FOI-dagen för luftfarten – Lars Spångberg, Trafikverket

09.10 Framtidsvisioner inom flyg och luftfart – Henrik Littorin, HL Insight

09.55 Paus

10.00 Genomförd forskning i portföljen:

  • Advanced Auto Planner – Sofia Rydell, LFV
  • Beslutsstöd kurvad inflygning – Martin Castor, GEISTT AB
  • F-Auto – Magnus Bång, LiU
  • Hållbar flygsäkerhet. Metodutveckling och interventioner för att förebygga risker inom luftfarten – Marika Melin, KI

11.00 Paus

11.10 SESAR – hur deltar vi i EU-forskning inom luftfarten – LFV/Swedavia

11.25 CSA – vad är/gör – Pernilla Ulfvengren, KTH

11.30 Pågående forskningsuppdrag samt vad vill vi uppnå med kommande forskningsuppdrag i portföljen – Marie Fridolin, Trafikverket

11.40 Kommande utlysningar och ansökningsprocessen – Katarina Wigler, Trafikverket

11.50 Avslutning – Trafikverket

Mera information och hur du anmäler deltagande finns på denna LÄNK.

Historisk exposé över svensk flygforskning och teknikutveckling

By Demonstration, Internationalisering, Akademi/SARC, Clean Sky/Clean Aviation, Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

I senaste utgåvan av Saabminnen, som ges ut av Saabveteranerna, finns en översiktsartikel om Flygforskning och teknikutveckling i Sverige under åtta decennier. Artikeln, som är skriven av Billy Fredriksson och Anders Gustafsson, kan laddas ner från Saabveteranernas hemsida


NLR free Webinar February 4 – The future is Circular

By Internationalisering, Akademi/SARC, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

NLR Webinar – The future is Circular – Closing the loop in aviation
February 4th, 12:30-13:30 CET

To achieve truly sustainable aviation, emissions and use of resources over the whole lifecycle of an aircraft must be taken into account, in line with the principles of a circular economy. Royal NLR is aiming to do just that over the coming years, thereby helping to design the first circular aircraft. During the ‘Week of the Circular Economy’, NLR will organise a free webinar on this topic.


Welcome by Paul Eijssen – NLR
Opportunities for aviation in the circular economy by Prof. David PeckTechnische Universiteit Delft
What is a circular aircraft? by Charlotte Meerstadt – NLR
Ambitions in circularity within EREA and NLR by Ligeia Paletti – NLR

Register for a personal invitation on this LINK






VINNOVA har publicerat SIP-utvärderingen 2020

By Demonstration, Internationalisering, Akademi/SARC, Clean Sky/Clean Aviation, Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Arenor/SMF, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Vinnova har 16 december på hemsidan och i mailutskick publicerat resultatet från årets SIP-utvärdering. Webbsända presentationer av utvärderingen genomfördes 17 december. Dessa spelades in och kommer att bli tillgängliga på Vinnovas hemsida.

Strategiska innovationsprogram viktiga för Sverige
Satsningen på strategiska innovationsprogram har lett till bred samverkan, stärkt internationell konkurrenskraft och till en kraftsamling inom områden som är viktiga för Sverige. En ny stor utvärdering presenteras nu av program som varit igång sex år.

De program som startade 2014 har nu genomgått en stor utvärdering sex år efter starten: BioInnovation, SIO Grafen, IoT Sverige (sakernas internet), Smartare elektroniksystem, Swelife (life science) och Innovair (flyg).
Läs mer på Vinnovas hemsida.

Utvärderingen har resulterat i positiva omdömen för all sex programmen som därmed får ansöka om förlängning.
Utvärderingsrapporten för SIP Innovair kan också laddas ner här: SIP Innovair utvärdering 2020.

Clean Sky and Sweden: Delivering climate-neutral aviation together

By Internationalisering, Clean Sky/Clean Aviation, Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Innovair, Vinnova

In the November issue of Clean Sky E-news it is noted that Clean Sky’s Executive Director Axel Krein presented Clean Sky’s sustainable aviation programme at Innovair’s annual meeting on 29 October. In addition the following about Clean Sky and Sweden is included:

Clean Sky and Sweden: Delivering climate-neutral aviation together

Sweden has a proud history in aeronautics, and Clean Sky’s Executive Director Axel Krein was honoured to present Clean Sky’s sustainable aviation programme at Innovair’s annual meeting today.

Sweden is a strong supporter of Clean Sky’s mission to achieve climate-neutral aviation by 2050. The goals of Sweden’s National Aeronautics Strategy involve reducing the climate impact of aviation, and the motivation of the Swedish aerospace sector towards making zero-emission aviation a reality can be clearly seen through their active involvement in Clean Sky.

Currently, 15 of Clean Sky’s participants hail from Sweden, and they are involved in 30 different projects. Two Swedish companies – Saab and GKN – have been Members of Clean Sky since its inception, and both are still heavily involved in Clean Sky’s sustainable aviation activities.

In February 2016, Clean Sky signed Memoranda of Understanding with two Swedish regions – Västra Götaland and Östergötland. The aim of these MoUs is to boost local industrial development in aviation and support smart specialisation in European regions, harnessing European funding sources like the European Structural and Regional Investment Funds (ESIF) to do so.

The Västra Götaland region aimed to reduce the environmental footprints from civil aviation by further boosting regional industrial development within the aeronautics sector, including large companies, SMEs, industrial research institutes and universities. That goal has given rise to a number of projects focusing on innovative new technologies such as additive manufacturing and 3D printing. An ‘Aerospace Cluster Sweden’ has also been set up for SMEs, to help cement the area as an aviation technology hub.

In Östergötland, innovation hubs have been set up to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing across the Swedish aeronautics sector. These hubs focus on different specialisations that are relevant to aeronautics – for example, the Innovative Materials Arena, Additive Coodination in East central Sweden (ACES) a digitisation coordination hub focusing on 3D printing and additive manufacturing, and a hub focused on the Internet of Things.

We look forward to launching many more exciting new collaborative projects for climate-neutral aviation with our Swedish counterparts. Working together, we can truly make sustainable aviation a reality. Onwards and upwards!

Saab received Innovation Award from Airbus

By Multi use, Internationalisering, Saab Aeronautics, Innovair, Vinnova, Other

Saab has received an Innovation Award from Airbus in recognition of its Overheat Detection System (OHDS) which was selected for the Airbus A350. The system consists of a fiber optic sensing line placed near the engines and bleed air ducts and includes optical integrators and processing hardware and software for collecting data and control.

The OHDS system was originally developed as part of the Gripen program and is now being further developed in international programmes also for other applications like fire warnings.

Read more on Saab website: Saab website and in an article in Professional Pilot Magazine

UK-Sweden Aerospace Call 2020 – projects funded

By Internationalisering, Saab Aeronautics, GKN Aerospace, Innovair, Vinnova

The projects resulting from the UK-Sweden joint Aerospace Call 2020 are listed below:

Collaborative projects in aeronautics funded through the Innovair/ATI call:

FibreSense is a collaborative research led by Rolls-Royce with Saab as the key collaborator. The project will develop on-engine sensing capability using novel fibre-optic technologies, enabling much higher resolution data compared to present technologies. It will significantly improve engine diagnostics, improving aircraft availability.

The COMPASS project will develop a new lightweight, energy efficient and cost-efficient solution for communication sensors and is a collaboration between Microchip and the Compound Semiconductor Catapult in the UK and Saab in Sweden. Small, lightweight sensors at lower cost could enable wide spread adoption of detect and avoid radars and imaging landing radars for all weather landings for commercial airplanes, resulting in safer flights and reduced energy consumption.

The DEMAND-REPAIR project will be led by GKN Sweden and will involve Sweden’s University West in Trollhättan and Phoenix scientific and TWI in the UK. The project will explore novel advanced manufacturing technologies and innovative titanium powders to repair the next generation of aero-engine components. Using these techniques to repair components will create drastic improvements to the sustainability of the industry, reducing raw material requirements and manufacturing efficiencies and extending the lifespan and maintenance of aircraft.

The SIMLIGHT project, led by the ESI Group in Sweden and including Saab and the International technegroup in the UK will study the computational electromagnetic (CEM) simulation of the effects of lightning strikes on the fully connected aircraft. The project will enable design optimisation and reduced size, weight and increased efficiency of airborne electronics, as well as optimising electromagnetic compatibility and interference, improving the operational performance of aircraft and on board experience for passengers.

The open Vista project is led by Saab in Sweden with GE Cheltenham as collaborators.  The project will evaluate the integration of Saab’s 3-D Terrain database and 3-D Synthetic Vision System into GE’s Open Flight Deck Architecture for both the commercial and military aerospace market. The project will significantly improve advanced avionics systems and flight decks, including applications for Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS), Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS) and digital moving maps. The technology will be an enabler to accelerating the progression of cockpit avionics and therefore safer operations. Additionally, such technology is likely to benefit the airlines in operations and therefore lower fuel burn by optimising approach paths into airports.

The project, led by Renishaw in the UK and with GKN Sweden as partners will help develop the technology required to build large structures in a laser powder bed fusion machine, making it possible to produce larger components at a higher deposition rate. This will enable mass savings to be made for future generations of parts and also whole-life emissions and cost savings.

Collaborative project in aeronautics funded through Vinnova/ ATI:

This project is led by Electroflight in the UK, with Baines Simmons and Sweden’s Heart Aerospace and research institute RISE as collaborators. It will research, develop, and ground test an innovative prototype high-energy propulsion battery system for electric aircraft. This will help to accelerate the transition of short-haul air travel to electric propulsion.