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Award to Anders Blom and ICAF

Inlägg av 17 september, 2018september 23rd, 2018Innovair, Vinnova, Övrigt

At the recent ICAS 2018 congress in Brazil 9-14 September, 2018 the ICAS von Karman Award for exceptional achievement in international cooperation in the field of aeronautics was bestowed to ICAF — International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity.

Citation: In recognition of the multi-national world-wide work over almost seven decades to ensure safe flights of both civil and military aircraft.

The recipients Dr. Anders Blom, Sweden, David Simpson, Canada, Dr. Carlos Chaves, Brazil and Marcel Bos, The Netherlands presented the von Karman Lecture: “ICAF (International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity) – Achievements, Activities and Future Challenges”.

Anders Blom was Swedish delegate to ICAF 1985-2005 and Secretary General 2005-2017, during which period the scope of ICAF was expanded from the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue to become the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity. In addition, the number of participating countries increased from 12 to 17 during this period, with Brazil, China, Finland, Poland, and Russia.


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