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Saab received Innovation Award from Airbus

By Multi use, Internationalisering, Innovair, Saab Aeronautics, Vinnova, Övrigt

Saab has received an Innovation Award from Airbus in recognition of its Overheat Detection System (OHDS) which was selected for the Airbus A350. The system consists of a fiber optic sensing line placed near the engines and bleed air ducts and includes optical integrators and processing hardware and software for collecting data and control.

The OHDS system was originally developed as part of the Gripen program and is now being further developed in international programmes also for other applications like fire warnings.

Read more on Saab website: Saab website and in an article in Professional Pilot Magazine

UK-Sweden Aerospace Call 2020 – projects funded

By Internationalisering, Innovair, GKN Aerospace, Saab Aeronautics, Vinnova

The projects resulting from the UK-Sweden joint Aerospace Call 2020 are listed below:

Collaborative projects in aeronautics funded through the Innovair/ATI call:

FibreSense is a collaborative research led by Rolls-Royce with Saab as the key collaborator. The project will develop on-engine sensing capability using novel fibre-optic technologies, enabling much higher resolution data compared to present technologies. It will significantly improve engine diagnostics, improving aircraft availability.

The COMPASS project will develop a new lightweight, energy efficient and cost-efficient solution for communication sensors and is a collaboration between Microchip and the Compound Semiconductor Catapult in the UK and Saab in Sweden. Small, lightweight sensors at lower cost could enable wide spread adoption of detect and avoid radars and imaging landing radars for all weather landings for commercial airplanes, resulting in safer flights and reduced energy consumption.

The DEMAND-REPAIR project will be led by GKN Sweden and will involve Sweden’s University West in Trollhättan and Phoenix scientific and TWI in the UK. The project will explore novel advanced manufacturing technologies and innovative titanium powders to repair the next generation of aero-engine components. Using these techniques to repair components will create drastic improvements to the sustainability of the industry, reducing raw material requirements and manufacturing efficiencies and extending the lifespan and maintenance of aircraft.

The SIMLIGHT project, led by the ESI Group in Sweden and including Saab and the International technegroup in the UK will study the computational electromagnetic (CEM) simulation of the effects of lightning strikes on the fully connected aircraft. The project will enable design optimisation and reduced size, weight and increased efficiency of airborne electronics, as well as optimising electromagnetic compatibility and interference, improving the operational performance of aircraft and on board experience for passengers.

The open Vista project is led by Saab in Sweden with GE Cheltenham as collaborators.  The project will evaluate the integration of Saab’s 3-D Terrain database and 3-D Synthetic Vision System into GE’s Open Flight Deck Architecture for both the commercial and military aerospace market. The project will significantly improve advanced avionics systems and flight decks, including applications for Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS), Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS) and digital moving maps. The technology will be an enabler to accelerating the progression of cockpit avionics and therefore safer operations. Additionally, such technology is likely to benefit the airlines in operations and therefore lower fuel burn by optimising approach paths into airports.

The project, led by Renishaw in the UK and with GKN Sweden as partners will help develop the technology required to build large structures in a laser powder bed fusion machine, making it possible to produce larger components at a higher deposition rate. This will enable mass savings to be made for future generations of parts and also whole-life emissions and cost savings.

Collaborative project in aeronautics funded through Vinnova/ ATI:

This project is led by Electroflight in the UK, with Baines Simmons and Sweden’s Heart Aerospace and research institute RISE as collaborators. It will research, develop, and ground test an innovative prototype high-energy propulsion battery system for electric aircraft. This will help to accelerate the transition of short-haul air travel to electric propulsion.


RISE Workshop 13 October – Composite technology in Sweden: Test and demo capabilities

By Multi use, Innovair, GKN Aerospace, Saab Aeronautics, Arenor/SMF, Vinnova

RISE Workshop 13 October – Composite technology in Sweden: Test and demo capabilities

RISE invites to a digital workshop with the aim of discussing and updating the industry on the test and demo facilities for composite technology available across Sweden.

Read more on this  LINK or download this invitation/programme PDF

Centrum för Hållbar Luftfart (CSA) workshop 12 oktober

By Akademi/SARC, Clean Sky/Clean Aviation, Innovair, Övrigt

Centrum för Hållbar Luftfart (CSA) workshop 12 oktober

Vi välkomnar er och eventuellt andra intresserade i er organisation till den årliga Workshopen anordnad av Centrum för Hållbar Luftfart (CSA). Tidpunkten är den 12 oktober kl 10-17 och platsen blir på Zoom.

Programmet kan laddas ner HÄR och finns också på CSA nya hemsida (

Bland annat kommer Dr Delia Dimitru från Metropolitan University samt John Hansman från  AeroAstro- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) att presentera.

Det går givetvis bra att koppla in på valfri del av Workshopen utan att anmäla intresse innan men vi är tacksamma ifall ni skickar ett kort meddelande till Karl Bolin ( för att vi ska veta antal närvarande.

Med vänliga hälsningar från CSAs ledningsgrupp/
Mats Åbom – föreståndare,
Pernilla Ulfvengren – vice-föreståndare ,
Evelyn Otero – vice-föreståndare,
Karl Bolin – vice-föreståndare 

Airbus presenterar konceptflygplan baserade på vätgasdrift

By Internationalisering, Innovair, GKN Aerospace, Saab Aeronautics, Vinnova, Övrigt

Airbus har 21 september presenterat tre konceptflygplan baserade på vätgasdrift:
“ZEROe” – for a first climate neutral zero-emission commercial aircraft.

Läs mera på denna länk:  Airbus reveals new zeroemission concept aircraft
och se en video från presskonferensen 21 September (inkl. frågestund) via denna LÄNK.

Läs också studien Hydrogen Powered Aviation som presenterades våren 2020.
Den kan laddas ner här: Hydrogen Powered Aviation

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